Effective Humidity Control This Summer

Humidity is an unshakeable element of Central Florida’s weather all homes must endure. The average amount of humidity that should exist in your home should be around forty percent. Any levels of humidity higher than this can make it unbearable to live in, and comfort isn’t the only thing that’s affected. High humidity also put the exterior and interior of your home in jeopardy, and Kissimmee air conditioning units are constantly running to combat any unwanted humidity. Fortunately, there are other ways to control your home’s humidity levels and keep your AC unit from being overused.

  • Put the AC fan on the automatic setting. If the AC is set to the on position, it will continue to humidify the house when the air passes over the condenser’s wet coil when it shuts off.
  • Put a little money into the AC unit and equip it with an air handler that has multiple adjustable speeds.
  • If humidity has become a serious problem, then purchasing a dehumidifier will help keep humidity low in your home.

These methods are important because lowering the humidity in the home can help it in several different ways. Kissimmee air conditioning is constantly bringing in moisture and increases the humidity in the home. Lowering the humidity to the proper percentage will not only keep you comfortable, but it will also save your home from any potential issues in the future. Too much humidity is dangerous to exterior material such as paint, wood, and siding. Pest problems decrease as well because several insects prefer damp places to live and high humidity will only provide them with these types of conditions. Chances of having mold or other small airborne particles enter the home go down too. Even clothing will stay fresh because lowered humidity has less of a chance to develop damp odors on your wardrobe. The most enticing benefit for homeowners to have proper humidity is saving money on energy costs. Air conditioner efficiency improves with controlled humidity and helps keep electrical bills down.

The humidity in Central Florida is rather high and can cause problems for homes. Kissimmee air conditioning company, All Temp, knows the dangers involved with high humidity levels in the home and will do anything to help homeowners control it. For any tips or professional assistance on AC, contact the experts at All Temp at 407-857-7800.


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