3 Signs That Your Brandon Air Conditioning Unit Is On The Verge of Breaking Down

It’s no surprise that the Florida summers can be brutal, but even with fall approaching, the last thing you want is a broken air conditioner. Brandon air conditioning experts are here to help you identify signs that could indicate that your ac unit is on the verge of a breakdown. You don’t want to be caught off guard when your air conditioner burns out on a miserably hot day!

  1. Warm Air: The air that blows out of your air conditioning vents should be a consistent and cool temperature. It will continually blow out cool air until the home reaches the temperature indicated on your thermostat. If its only blowing warm air, not only will it never cool down, but it can make your electric bill go through the roof. A Brandon air conditioning technician can help determine the problem before it gets any worse.
  2. Odd Noises: If the sounds your air conditioning is making suddenly changes or becomes more noticeable, there may be something wrong. Any clunking, hissing, grinding or screeching sounds could indicate that a part is about to go out, or that it already has. It’s important that you shut off your unit and call a technician in this case.
  3. Leaking: A leaking air conditioner could either be a simple clog or something more serious. This can be determined by your air conditioning company; if there’s refrigerant leaking out or your coils have frozen over, a technician is needed before your air conditioning unit gets any worse.

Your Brandon air conditioning professionals at All Temp Air Conditioning and Refrigeration can repair your air conditioner and create a preventative maintenance plan to ensure your unit is working efficiently all year-round. To learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment with us, call us today at 407-857-7800.


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