5 Reasons Why Your AC is Making that Noise

All air conditioners make noises while they run. The hum that comes from them is normal, but when other odd sounds start up, it’s usually a sign that there may be something wrong with your unit. Luckily, AC repair in Kissimmee is All Temp’s specialty, and diagnosing noisy AC units is second nature to their staff of experts. Fortunately, there are some tips in understanding what problems are associated with various noises. Some problems can be fixed by a homeowner, while others may require the technical expertise from a professional.


  • Loose components/materials: On occasion, small outdoor debris, like sticks and leaves, will fall into the vents. If debris hasn’t fallen into the vents, it can mean that some components have come loose, like screws or bolts. Lastly, a rattling sound can occur due to the compressor. As the unit ages, the compressor becomes louder and usually means there may be a problem with it.
  • Motor failures: Sometimes an unpleasant grinding sound could come from the unit, indicating something has gone wrong with the fan motor. Typically, this problem is attributed to one or more bearings being worn down over time.
  • Ductwork: Nothing is lasts forever in homes, and internal ductwork is no exception. The older the house gets, the more attention the ductwork may need. Although the ductwork isn’t a part of the actual AC unit, it’s still wise to have it maintained to ensure all parts are working properly to supply cooled air throughout your home.
  • Coolant leak: Hearing unexpected noises come from your AC unit can be bad, but if a hissing sound occurs, then it probably means your unit is losing coolant. The coolant or refrigerant is what allows your AC unit to properly cool your home, and without it, you will be undoubtedly uncomfortable. This is common AC repair in Kissimmee as it’s hot in Central Florida so often.
  • Bad contactors: Some AC units can develop a clicking sound that typically signifies a bad contactor. Just like several other reasons for noises coming from an AC unit, this happens because of old age.


There are several reasons why your AC unit may be making noises, and some can be more complicated than others. The safest thing to do in situations where you have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it, is to call a professional. All Temp specializes in AC repair in Kissimmee and knows how to diagnose and handle any problem. Call All Temp at 407-857-7800 for the best technicians to fix your AC today.


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