Types of Preventative Maintenance on Your Commercial Ice Machine

An Orlando commercial ice machine can be difficult to maintain and repair if you don’t have the proper knowledge.  Ice machines need proper upkeep and maintenance in order to run properly and efficiently.  All Temp Air Conditioning has years of experience in dealing with commercial ice machines.  Here are some tips to help you maintain your ice machine to avoid any large repairs:

  • After using your ice machine for a couple of months, make sure to coordinate how much ice you’re actually using, so you don’t have to overproduce the amount of ice and wear the machine out.
  • You can reduce the amount of energy by having the ice machine produce the ice during the day, when energy is less expensive.
  • Keep your ice machine in a cooler area in order to keep the temperature of your ice machine down.  Keep it in a place that is no higher than 90 degrees.
  • Buy an Orlando commercial ice machine maintenance program that maintains the ice machine on a monthly basis to ensure efficient use.
  • Make sure the water filter is kept clean.
  • Buy an Energy Star approved cooling unit, which are 10-15% more energy efficient in water and energy use.
  • Ensure the water line connected to the main lines in the building is turned on when in use and off when not being used.

If you’re interested in hiring a company to help maintain your Orlando commercial ice machine, contact All Temp Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.  We serve the Orlando area for all of your commercial kitchen equipment needs.


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