How to Get Ready for the Florida Summer

Florida summers can be pretty intense, with long hot days and high humidity. When you ass those things together, they can cause utility bills to rise as fast as the temperature. If you are looking to switch to a more efficient AC unit, call the AC repair in Brandon professionals at All Temp AC and Refrigeration, who can help you pick the perfect unit and install it. If you’re looking to give your current AC unit a break, here are some tips for helping you get ready for the Florida summer:

  • Consider Putting in a Programmable Thermostat: The new kinds of thermostats can turn your AC unit off automatically when there is no one there to feel it, and then turn it back on again just before you get home. That can result in a lot of cost savings.
  • Hide from the Afternoon Sun: The sun heats your home the most during late afternoon. If that intense Florida sun is coming in through a southern or western exposed window, it will heat your home quickly. Consider planting trees or installing other vegetation out there to serve as shade, or at least put up an awning near windows to keep that heat away. Don’t forget to close the drapes, too.
  • Service your AC Unit: It’s always a good idea to have your AC unit looked at by someone, such as a professional from All Temp, before the hot weather sets in. That way it will work at peak efficiency during the hottest months.
  • Cook Inside less Often: An indoor oven and even the stove can heat up a whole house, and make your AC unit work overtime. Consider eating raw foods or cooking on a grill outdoors more often.
  • Make Laundry Adjustments: A clothes dryer also pumps an enormous amount of heat into a home. Why not consider either moving it to the garage, using a line dryer or adjusting your laundry schedule so that the dryer will be running only during the coolest parts of the day?

Summer can be rough on cooling bills, but with a little diligence, you can keep them from running sky high. If you suspect you might have a problem with your AC unit, call the AC repair in Brandon experts at All Temp AC and Refrigeration at (813) 630-9400. We offer emergency repair services 24/7, along with a money back satisfaction guarantee.


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