How to Select the Best Refrigeration System for Your Business

Owning or running a business successfully requires so many skills that it’s difficult to tally them all. For restaurants, food sellers, and many other establishments, that list generally includes knowing how to pick the right equipment, one of which is a refrigeration system. No one can be an expert in everything, and that’s why if you have to pick the best refrigeration system for your business, contact the refrigeration experts at All Temp AC and Refrigeration. From refrigeration repair in Kissimmee, to maintenance, All Temp can also help you pick the equipment that is best for your business. In the meantime, here are some things to consider:

  • Consider Size: How much product will the refrigeration system have to hold and in what sizes? Will you need a lot of little shelves, a few big ones, or shelves that have to hold a certain size product? Finding the answers to such questions is the only way to ensure you get the system that is right for you.
  • Consider Access: Something else to consider is access. How will people get at the cooled products inside? Some units have a sliding glass door in front, others require a person to reach down into it, and yet others are big enough to allow people to walk inside of it. Access typically depends on the type of business and use. Walk-in coolers, for example, are generally used in restaurant kitchens, while open access units allow customers to pull products themselves.
  • Consider Location: Don’t forget to note where the refrigeration system is to be situated in your business. Not only will you want it to fit in the space you designate, but you’ll want it to be accessible in the ways you envision.
  • Consider Needs: You’ll also want to make sure the system is able to do what you want. Can it keep the product at the temperature you require, or allow for different temperatures in different compartments? Keep in mind that fulfilling such requirements may be necessary for passing health inspections. Something else that can impact inspection outcomes is the cleanliness of the unit, which can be made more difficult if materials other than stainless steel are used.
  • Consider Energy: One final thing to keep in mind is that all cooling systems will have an impact on your utility bill, and picking one that is ENERGY STAR certified can help, as can not picking one that is bigger than you will ever need.

If you are in the market for a refrigeration system, or you are in need of refrigeration repair in Kissimmee, call the professionals All Temp AC and Refrigeration at (407) 857-7800. We can help you find answers to the questions you have and offer you the best in commercial refrigeration systems.


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