Save Energy This Winter with a New Heat Pump

Florida isn’t shy to showcase its bipolar weather during the winter season. One day it may seem like it’s the middle of summer, and the next day you’ll see temperatures drop to 50 degrees. To counter our indecisive climate, it’s best to install a heat pump to save energy during this season. How can installing a heat pump save you on your next energy bill? Allow the Orlando heat pump technicians at All Temp give you a description on how you can save big on your next energy bill by installing a heat pump.

How Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps run on electricity, just like a traditional HVAC unit, but the key difference between the two is that heat pumps collect energy from its surroundings depending on the type of heat pump (water source, geothermal, or air-to-air), compress this air, then finally use this air to condition your home. Since heat pumps move heat rather than create it like a traditional HVAC unit, it efficiently saves a large amount of energy while keeping your home conditioned.

Finding the Right Heat Pump

Heat pumps are rated by two types of scales. Keep in mind that the higher the rating, the more energy-efficient the heat pump is.


  • SEER: Short for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, this ratio calculates the efficiency of a heat pump. You can discover the SEER by analyzing the cooling output during a typical cooling cycle and dividing it by the energy used in the same period. A law has passed in 2015 regarding the minimum SEER rating, which can only have a minimum SEER of 14 in the southeastern states.
  • HSPF: Acronym for Heating Season Performance Factor, this rating system is particularly effective for determining your heat pump’s efficiency during the winter season. The minimum HSPF rating today is 8.2.

Heat pumps traditionally work well in Florida due to a hotter climate. Once you install a heat pump, you’ll notice the difference of energy saved yearly. Still have questions on heat pumps? Contact the Orlando heat pump technicians at All Temp for further details on anything HVAC!


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