Learn About Solar Options for Your AC

With growing concerns about the environment, solar energy is growing in importance. Solar energy is free, there’s plenty of it, and it is non polluting. Additionally, solar energy can be used to power your air conditioning in Kissimmee. There is a lot to know about solar power. We’re going to discuss the different options you have to choose from when it comes to solar-powered AC. First, we’ll talk about how solar energy works.

  • How solar energy works: Solar power works similarly to any other type of energy. It can be used to power anything, from your refrigerator and TV, to your car. The process it undergoes to do this depends on the technology it is powering. Let’s look at how Lennox SunSource solar-powered air conditioners work. First, solar modules capture energy from the sun. Next, it sends the captured energy to the Lennox air conditioning system or heat pump. That energy is then used to cool and heat the house. And, the best part is that after this process is completed, the energy that is left unused is then used to power the small appliances and electronics around the house. If after that there is still some energy left unused, the energy could possibly be sold back to the utility company, earning you a credit.
  • How to get one in your home: To get a solar-powered air conditioner from Lennox in your home, call a Lennox SunSource dealer. The dealer will come to your home and determine your air conditioning needs and how many roof modules to add, either right then or over a period of time. Before purchasing a Lennox air conditioning system, check how much it will save you versus a traditional air conditioner or heat pump. You can tour All Temp’s solar house to gain information on how the SunSource Home Energy System will lower utility costs for you.
  • Financing and promotions: Financing the Lennox air conditioning system through a third party financing company is probably your best option. This is because if you finance this way, there will be no payments, no interest financing, 28 different loan options, there are financing plans for most credit levels, and mostly credit applications are approved, after review, in only seconds. And, regarding promotions, you can get a rebate of up to $1,600 and 9.9% on a qualifying Lennox Home Comfort System. There’s no reason not to purchase one if you’re interested in solar-powered AC.

Why use an air conditioning system that is harmful to the environment, and your wallet, when you no longer have to. Having a solar-powered AC installed in your home will only benefit your air conditioning in Kissimmee. Air-conditioning company, All Temp can take care of the installation and any other problems that may arise with your air conditioning. Give us a call at 407-857-7800, or contact us online.


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