Scary Air Conditioner Problems that Can Spook You

Halloween is just around the corner, but having no air conditioning in Florida is a bit too spooky for the holiday. Having no AC in Kissimmee can be a disaster, seeing as how the fall season is really just a less scorching summer. So, what do you have to look out for with your air conditioning system to make sure everything is running correctly? Your AC repair Kissimmee professionals at All Temp would like to share some common problems that your AC might run into.

  • Sensors: Even if your air conditioning system is working properly, bad sensors could stop it from turning on. A busted sensor may record temperatures lower than the actual temperature. This will stop your system from running properly and heat up your home quickly. A quick DIY check can be completed by seeing if the sensor was misplaced or knocked next to the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is usually cool, meaning the sensor will record that temperature and not your home’s current temperature. If your sensor is still misreading the temperature and not cooling your home after you’ve checked it’s placement, it may be time for a new sensor.
  • Leaks: Your system may be leaking refrigerant. One main cause for this problem could be a poor installation of your AC system in which the system wasn’t properly charged. If your refrigerant is low, make sure to seal the leak that is causing the drainage. Be aware that if the refrigerant is refilled without fixing the leak, you’ll be facing the same problem in the near future. It is important to note that refrigerant is circulated through the coils, so it should not ever just run out. The only main reason for a refrigerant refill is a leak.
  • Drainage: Noticed leaking around the coils of your AC system? Your condensation drain may be clogged. This happens due to debris entering the drainage pan and, before long, clogging the pipe. To properly clean this pipe, you’ll need a pump to remove the debris correctly. An AC repair professional is recommended for removing the debris quickly and easily.

Don’t let your home be mistaken for a horror house this Halloween. Make sure all of your guests are welcome and refreshed with your properly functioning AC system. Some problems with your AC can be too big to handle on your own, so give the AC repair Kissimmee professionals at All Temp a call at (407)857-7800 to help you turn your current spooky situation into a scary story in the past.


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